Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Reali-T... ITS FOR ME!

Tonight television history was made, with the premier of the new reali-T television show, I Pity the Fool. The show stars one of the greatest actors, preachers, humanitarians, and all-around-good-guys of all time, yes Mr. T.

I have liked Mr. T ever since he was on my favorite television show of the 80's... the A-Team (to this day I walk around the pub letting people know that I love it when a plan comes together). The premise of Mr. T's new show is that he finds people (fools) with problems and he goes and he yells at them until they straighten up. The T, has obviously gone to the Gene Hackman school of problem solving... yell at the problem and it will go away. Essentially he looks at the problem and beats the hell out of it, just like he did with the scum of the earth of the A-Team. Last night he beat the hell out of everyone in a car dealership until they were a well oiled machine.

Its clear that Mr. T isn't as young as he is used to be, but he hasn't lost his edge- I am thinking about bringing him into my bar in an attempt to get fat ass Finbar a life, preferably a money making life so he can pay his damn tab! Maybe The T should work with other celebrities... what if Mr. T went to help Paris Hilton with her life... she could become one of the most productive members of our society... who knows, she might even cure Cancer!

In any case, I highly suggest you cut the Jibba Jabba and watch Mr. T's show on TV land.... and remember you "cant spell success without T."


At 10:34 AM, Blogger Johnny McBarney said...

Look lady... I dont know who the hell you think you are, but YOU DONT DISRESPECT MR. T!!! Trust me- this guy can build a tank out of spare parts from a washing machine... YOU DO NOT WANT TO GET ON HIS BAD SIDE!

At 5:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are two kinds of people in life. There are the good, clean, kind-hearted, hardworking, american-dream living citizens, and there are the scum of the earth, such as Mr. T. I'd rather have a team of monkeys perform simultaneous root canals on all my teeth without novacaine than watch the A-Team.

McBarney, you've got your wires crossed somewhere in that cavern of a skull.

At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 11:11 AM, Blogger Johnny McBarney said...

Oswald- you are what I call a dirty bitch, you are no doubt the scum of the earth that Mr. T and the A-Team fought- no wonder you dislike him...

Rot in hell

At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Let the people speak freely!

Viva Lech Walesa!


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