Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Germans Strike Again

By now many of you know that I do not trust the Germans, if you haven’t- read my previous post on the German bastard selling a vacuum cleaner that doesn't suck. It would seem however that the problem is getting worse with the introduction of a new and even more suspicious German character… one that refers to himself only as Dr. Z.

The name itself strikes fear in my old Irish heart- it sounds like pure evil, and its not like there isn't a history of these German doctors fucking the world over. Honestly with a name like Dr. Z this guy that isn’t hiding the fact that he is going to do the world some sort of great disservice, how many movies have you seen with evil doctors with similar names? It’s just a matter of time.

I suspect that this alias apart from instilling fear is actually part of an elaborate plan. First he fools the world into believing that a German is selling them another high quality product (don't even get me started there). People, for some stupid reason trusting this suspicious son of a bitch, then go out and buy his products. Then at some future point, when no one is expecting it, this product- in this case the shitty cars produced by Dodge, Chrysler, and Jeep, explode or perhaps run us over, or maybe suddenly transform and become robots of war hunting us down and eliminating us with extreme prejudiced. In any case once this calamity occurs and we defeat these robots of destruction (which we will simply because they have been produced by the Germans), we will attempt to hunt this bastard down. But at this point he will have shed his fake glasses and mustache, moved to Argentina, and assumed a new life where the proper authorities will never be able to find him.

I say we snatch this guy before this shit goes down, and ask him some truly hard questions: What is "Stow and Go" seating really hiding?, What the fuck are you trying to pull with the PT Cruiser?, and Why do the front of your cars look like the faces of futuristic robots of death? Until we get some answers I say we hold him as an enemy combatant- that coward wont last a day.


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