Monday, June 26, 2006

My New Favorite Television Show.....

This weekend the Discovery Channel presented a marathon of a show called "The Deadliest Catch", needless to say it is now my favorite television program. Why you ask? It’s a reality show about fishing that’s why. It reminds me of my life as a fisherman and the trials and tribulations associated with the grueling work. It’s nice for once to see television executives putting real men back on television. I don’t know if you have noticed or not but in the last several years there have been no programs with real men on them.... no more TJ Hooker, no more A-team, no more Coach, and no more Matlock. Instead we get such femininas as Charlie Sheen, the pansies on American Idol (by the way we should outlaw men wearing anything with sequence.... and don’t even get me started on Ryan fucking Seacrest), and of course how could I not mention the entire cast of Will and Grace. Perhaps now however the tide has turned, finally we get men who only cry when their shipmate is thrown overboard and killed, or when a spear is accidentally shot through their foot.

Watching the show has also alerted me as to how greatly fishing has changed over the past 20 some years. The boys on this show have it made... they get big paydays, safe and comfortable boats and nice equipment... hell, one of the boats even has a woman who cooks- back in my day the only way we ate was if we caught something to eat. I'll never forget an outing back in September of 1957, the sea was not giving up her bounty and a deck hand attempted to eat one of our greenhorns (that is sailor slang for a new crew member who lacks experience) needless to say it took both Shamus and I to restrain the son of a bitch.... we were to late to save the greenhorn's ear though.

In any case, I highly suggest you check your local listings and watch some good men doing some hard work so pussies like you can enjoy your damn fish frys and crab cakes.


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