Friday, June 23, 2006

Rather Peeved

Since coming to the states in the early 80's I have made it a habit to keep myself informed about the world. One of the ways I do this is by watching the CBS Evening News... formerly with Dan Rather.

Say what you will about the man and his biased style of reporting, there is one thing you cant deny- the man reported the new with a fire that burned deep inside of him (like ghonorrea). It was this fire that I admired, it is this fire that made watching him so entertaining. His passion and his win at all costs attitude (even if it means cheating, ambushing people during interviews, or crawling around in mud to interview soldiers) made him the ideal man to deliver the news.

The least the CBS could have done for this man is given him a fricken clip show, pointing out all of his greatest moments, I am sure you know the ones: getting punched at the democratic convention, making up news, going to Vietnam, yelling at presidents Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush, and Bush, and lets not forget all those colorful terms he used to describe things.

CBS did get one thing right though.... have you seen the legs on his replacement? Let me just say this: when she reports the news, there is more wood in my pants than just my leg.


At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That news is sad but it reminds me of that old saying, 'Don't taunt the alligator until after you've crossed the creek.'

In any case I am certain that this situation would give asprin a headache.

One could say that the relationship between Dan and CBS is shakier than cafeteria Jell-O.

But maybe it's too early to say he has the whip hand.

Frankly I don't know whether to wind the watch or to bark at the moon.

His treatment shabby by CBS is making my fingernails sweat. They beat him like a rented mule, made him work like a big wheel through a cotton field, and then just dropped him like a tornado dumps a camper-trailer.

But don't you worry Johnny, I have faith in Dan. He'll bounce back, because like he always used to say: "If a frog had side pockets, he'd carry a handgun."

And I think that really is the lesson to take from all this. Hitch your wagon to advice like that, and no river will ever be to wide to ford.


At 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"there is more wood in my pants than just my leg..."

McBarney that is NASTY! Although I can't really complain about the subject matter which causes this biological phenomenon.

At 6:19 AM, Blogger Johnny McBarney said...

Allow me to take some time to respond to you bastards... First Tim... I truly enjoyed your Ratherisms I always found his Texan sayings to be very much like Irish Proverbs… you had to be drunk to understand them. Trust me when I say if you watch Dan Rather while you are drunk you will completely understand what he is saying.

Now as for Anonymous... if you want to insult me sign your name you bastard! And by the way, at my age it isn’t a biological response it’s a damn miracle!



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