Sunday, October 29, 2006

Is Peg Leg's Haunted?

For many years I have camped out at the pub Halloween weekend for fear that some sort of looting and or vandalism would occur. People called me crazy, but the fact of the matter is that kids get loaded and then want to bad things. Hell so do adults... last Halloween we had to call Finbar's wife down to the pub to get him to release his hostages (a very old bottle of scotch and a frightened dog) before he threw them off the roof of the bar (Truth be told we were more concerned about the 50 year old bottle of scotch which was worth a pretty penny).

In any matter, last night the boys and I continued our Halloween tradition, camped out, and armed with clubs, we ensured that no damage would be done to the property. That's when things started to get wired. First odd noises began emanating from the back of the bar. It sounded like strangle howl, sort of like a wind tunnel. At first we thought that Finbar was in the bathroom but upon closer examination it was not him. Then we heard odd crashing and smashing noises, needless to say this really started to freak us out. But the thing that drove us out of the bar was when we heard what sounded like a small explosion in the ducts. Now I am not afraid of ghosts but I do believe in their existence, there is too much wired shit in the world not to. I also believe if they are around we should get the fuck out of the way and try to let them find their peace, in this spirit (no pun intended) we decided that because nothing had every happened on Halloween that we would let this ghost or ghosts have free roam of the bar, and we departed for the night.

This morning as I was running some errands I drove past the bar and was stunned at what I saw. Toilet paper had been thrown all over the place, eggs and silly sting covered the windows, and lying on the steps leading into the bar was a large piece of sheet metal and an exploded m80 and a note that was addressed to McScaredy.

It would seem that the spirits that drove us from the bar were really a bunch of fucking punks. Let be clear in how I feel about this... I will track these fucking bastards down, and I will show them what pain is. Luckily for me I have already obtained a lead as to who these punks might be. My good friend, and sheriff, Dave McGee, pulled some prints off the sheet metal and interviewed neighbors about what they may have seen.

I have news for the fuckers who committed this act of atrocity: I am coming for you. I will find you. And when I am through with you're going to wish you've never heard the name Johnny McBarney.


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